의 전액 출자 자회사
KRTL 홀딩 그룹 Inc (OTC: KRTL)
Dr. Brent LaGrange
Research and Development
Brent LaGrange is a biomechanics specialist and biochemist from Evergreen, Colorado.
Dr. LaGrange develops industrial hemp formulations, case studies and product claim substantiation. He assists in technical support for facility development. Brent developed nutritional and topical products to improve mental and physical energy that empower the body's cells to heal themselves.
Dr. LaGrange holds a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and Psychology from Ft. Lewis College in Durango, Colorado, and a Master of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Florida at Miami. He is a Diplomate of the International Olympic Committee's Sports Nutrition program. He completed entrepreneurship studies at Innosphere.
He engineers industrial hemp extraction, coordinates Bluetooth biometric-enabled devices with secure channels, and interprets performance outcomes of simple lifestyle changes with natural products.